FLOOR Floor Function

Section: Elementary Functions


Computes the floor of an n-dimensional array elementwise. The floor of a number is defined as the smallest integer that is less than or equal to that number. The general syntax for its use is
   y = floor(x)

where x is a multidimensional array of numerical type. The floor function preserves the type of the argument. So integer arguments are not modified, and float arrays return float arrays as outputs, and similarly for double arrays. The floor function is not defined for complex or dcomplex types.


The following demonstrates the floor function applied to various (numerical) arguments. For integer arguments, the floor function has no effect:
--> floor(3)

ans = 


--> floor(-3)

ans = 


Next, we take the floor of a floating point value:

--> floor(3.023f)

ans = 


--> floor(-2.341f)

ans = 


Note that the return type is a float also. Finally, for a double type:

--> floor(4.312)

ans = 


--> floor(-5.32)

ans = 


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