NARGIN Number of Input Arguments

Section: Functions and Scripts


The special variable nargin is defined inside of all functions. It indicates how many arguments were passed to the function when it was called. FreeMat allows for fewer arguments to be passed to a function than were declared, and nargin, along with isset can be used to determine exactly what subset of the arguments were defined. There is no syntax for the use of nargin - it is automatically defined inside the function body.


Here is a function that is declared to take five arguments, and that simply prints the value of nargin each time it is called.

function nargintest(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5)
  printf('nargin = %d\n',nargin);

--> nargintest(3);
nargin = 1
--> nargintest(3,'h');
nargin = 2
--> nargintest(3,'h',1.34);
nargin = 3
--> nargintest(3,'h',1.34,pi,e);
nargin = 5

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