FREAD File Read Function

Section: Input/Ouput Functions


Reads a block of binary data from the given file handle into a variable of a given shape and precision. The general use of the function is
  A = fread(handle,size,precision)

The handle argument must be a valid value returned by the fopen function, and accessable for reading. The size argument determines the number of values read from the file. The size argument is simply a vector indicating the size of the array A. The size argument can also contain a single inf dimension, indicating that FreeMat should calculate the size of the array along that dimension so as to read as much data as possible from the file (see the examples listed below for more details). The data is stored as columns in the file, not rows. Alternately, you can specify two return values to the fread function, in which case the second value contains the number of elements read

   [A,count] = fread(...)

where count is the number of elements in A. The third argument determines the type of the data. Legal values for this argument are listed below:


First, we create an array of 512 x 512 Gaussian-distributed float random variables, and then writing them to a file called test.dat.
--> A = float(randn(512));
--> fp = fopen('test.dat','wb');
--> fwrite(fp,A);
--> fclose(fp);

Read as many floats as possible into a row vector

--> fp = fopen('test.dat','rb');
--> x = fread(fp,[1,inf],'float');
--> who x
  Variable Name      Type   Flags             Size
              x     float                    [1 262144]

Read the same floats into a 2-D float array.

--> fp = fopen('test.dat','rb');
--> x = fread(fp,[512,inf],'float');
--> who x
  Variable Name      Type   Flags             Size
              x     float                    [512 512]

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