WAVREAD Read a WAV Audio File

Section: Input/Ouput Functions


The wavread function (attempts) to read the contents of a linear PCM audio WAV file. This function could definitely use improvements - it is based on a very simplistic notion of a WAV file. The simplest form for its use is
   y = wavread(filename)

where filename is the name of the WAV file to read. If no extension is provided, FreeMat will add a '.wav' extension. This loads the data from the WAV file into y, and returns it in double precision, normalized format. If you want additional information on, for example, the WAV sampling rate or bit depth, you can request it via

  [y, SamplingRate, BitDepth] = wavread(filename)

where SamplingRate and BitDepth are the sampling rate (in Hz) and the bit depth of the original data in the WAV file. If you only want to load part of the WAV file, you can use

  [...] = wavread(filename, N)

where N indicates the number of samples to read from the file. Alternately, you can indicate a range of samples to load via

  [...] = wavread(filename, [N1 N2])

which returns only the indicated samples from each channel in the file. By default, the output format is double precision. You can cntrol the format of the output by indicating

  [...] = wavread(filename, format)

where format is either 'double' for double precision output, or 'native' for native precision output (meaning whatever bitdepth that was present in the original file). Finally, you can use the 'size' flag

  y_siz = wavread(filename,'size')

which returns a vector [samples channels] indicating the size of the data present in the WAV file. inserted by FC2 system