STRING String Arrays

Section: Variables and Arrays


FreeMat supports a string array type that operates very much as you would expect. Strings are stored internally as 8-bit values, and are otherwise similar to numerical arrays in all respects. In some respects, this makes strings arrays less useful than one might imagine. For example, numerical arrays in 2-D are rectangular. Thus, each row in the array must have the same number of columns. This requirement is natural for numerical arrays and matrices, but consider a string array. If one wants to store multiple strings in a single data structure, they must all be the same length (unlikely). The alternative is to use a cell array of strings, in which case, each string can be of arbitrary length. Most of the functions that support strings in a set-theoretic way, like unique and sort operate on cell-arrays of strings instead of string arrays. Just to make the example concrete, here is the old way of storing several strings in an array:
--> % This is an error
--> A = ['hello';'bye']
Error: Mismatch in dimension for rows in matrix definition
--> % This is OK, but awkward
--> A = ['hello';'bye  ']

A = 


--> % This is the right way to do it
--> A = {'hello','bye'}

A = 

 ['hello']   ['bye']   

One important (tricky) point in FreeMat is the treatment of escape sequences. Recall that in C programming, an escape sequence is a special character that causes the output to do something unusual. FreeMat supports the following escape sequences:

FreeMat follows the Unix/Linux convention, that a causes both a carriage return and a linefeed. To put a single quote into a string use the MATLAB convention of two single quotes, not the \' sequence. Here is an example of a string containing some escape sequences:
--> a = 'I can''t use contractions
	Or can I?

a = 

 I can't use contractions
	Or can I?

Now, note that the string itself still contains the characters. With the exception of the \', the escape sequences do not affect the output unless the strings are put through printf or fprintf. For example, if we printf the variable a, we see the and take effect:

--> printf(a);
I can't use contractions
	Or can I?

The final complicating factor is on MSWin systems. There, filenames regularly contain \ characters. Thus, if you try to print a string containing the filename C: edball imewarp ewton.txt, the output will be mangled because FreeMat thinks the , and are escape sequences. You have two options. You can use disp to show the filename (disp does not do escape translation to be compatible with MATLAB). The second option is to escape the backslashes in the string, so that the string you send to printf contains C:\redball\timewarp\newton.txt.

--> % disp displays it ok
--> a = 'C:
edball	imewarp

a = 

edball	imewarp

--> % printf makes a mess
--> printf(a)
edball	imewarp
ewton.txt--> % If we double up the slashes it works fine
--> a = 'C:\redball\timewarp\newton.txt'

a = 


--> printf(a)
edball	imewarp

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